
hey everybody! thanks for coming and checking out the blog. hope you like it! the location of all the intensify meetings in april (unless otherwise specified) will be university parkway baptist church. directions are below. if you have any questions or comments concerning intensify, email us at intensifyonline@gmail.com.

the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace.
(numbers 6:24-26 nasb)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

university parkway baptist church

hey everybody... i promised directions to university parkway baptist so here they are. lets start off with a picture:

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this is what you will see from the road. experiment with the picture.. it does cool stuff.

if you are coming from highway 26, get off on the elizabethton exit and turn LEFT (it doesn't matter what direction you're coming from) onto university parkway. you will see the church on your left shortly after getting on university parkway. after passing the entrance to the church, make a U-turn at the next break in the median and turn RIGHT into the entrance. here.. have a map:

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if you're not coming from the interstate, or if you are just feeling very special today, click here, and enter your address in the highlighted box.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

following the break...

hey everybody... it's been a while since i last posted anything. i was in virginia for march break. had a dandy time. hope y'all had a good break too. location april was announced last week. we will be back at university parkway baptist church for the month of april. i will have directions up shortly. march 28, which is the last saturday in march, we will meet again at pinecrest baptist church, which i've got directions posted for further down on this page. i'll post again soon.

stand firm in the faith

Friday, March 06, 2009

the mighty oak

how blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers. (psalm 1:1-3 nasb)

trees, in their own special way, are quite beautiful. imagine hiking through the appalachians with nothing around you but rocks and moss. it would be so barren and lifeless. trees are an emblem of strength, of life, of perseverance. when i truly stop to consider my heart, i desire to be a tree. a tree that has withstood the storms of life. a tree that people would run to when the winds come their way. a tree planted firmly in the Soil that gives me life.

the wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away. (psalm 1:4 nasb)

in case you're not up on your agricultural lingo, chaff is the dry, inedible covering around grains. the whole "wind driving the chaff away" business comes from the process of winnowing the grain. the grain is tossed into the air and the wind carries off the lighter chaff, as the heavier grain falls back down. kudos to wikipedia for being so smart.

obviously, being worthless chaff is not something most people would aspire to be. but people are impatient, selfish creatures. we want to be cool. we want to be popular. we want to be tall and strong. we want to be trees. . . now. but trees don't work like that. if an acorn and a seed of grain were planted at the same time, the acorn would shoot up very quickly and become a mighty oak tree in a matter of weeks. no, maybe i have that mixed up.

chaff sprouts up almost immediately. these are the cool kids. they are the rulers of their tiny worlds. most of them won't be remembered past graduation.

guard yourself against the seduction of instant fame and popularity. have confidence in God's unending love for you. let your life speak for itself. ask God to stir up a true passion and yearning for Him. delight in the law of the Lord. live your life quietly and confidently for God's glory.

don't be afraid to be average.

stand firm in the faith,

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

pinecrest baptist church

hey.. this one is a little more complicated to get to...

from the south:
coming from an erwin-ish direction, take the okolona off of I-26, take a right onto okolona, and then a quick left onto south roan street. after driving about a mile, turn right onto old lewis road, and the church will be on the right about a mile down that road. here, have a map...

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from the north:
coming from a kingsport/johnson city-ish direction, hop off I-26 at the elizabethton exit and turn right onto university parkway. take the milligan highway exit immediately afterwards and turn right. chill on milligan highway for a little more than a mile, then turn right onto old lewis road. the church will be on the left shortly thereafter. a map might help this mental picture as well...

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from your very own house:
if you really want to feel super special and have your own personal map, click here and enter your address in the space for point A.