
hey everybody! thanks for coming and checking out the blog. hope you like it! the location of all the intensify meetings in april (unless otherwise specified) will be university parkway baptist church. directions are below. if you have any questions or comments concerning intensify, email us at intensifyonline@gmail.com.

the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace.
(numbers 6:24-26 nasb)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

last week of february

hello again, to all my friends, i'm glad you came to play.... wow.
was that like... Barney? anyways....

intensify will once again be at boone's creek baptist (click 'directions' on the right side for directions) for the last saturday of february. 7 o'clock in the night time. regular service this week, and by regular i mean sweet-awesome. bring $10 for a shirt, which you will doubtless be convicted by the message to purchase. should end around 8 or 8:30, but you can stick around for a while if you want.

next month, the month of march, we will be at a new location again. i think this one is called location C, and will be revealed this saturday at intensify and will subsequently be posted on this blog. if you paid attention last week, you may know location C, as it was announced from the microphone, but i totally forgot it, so i'll put it up as soon as i remember or re-find-it-out.

lastly, just so you know in advance, intensify will be cancelled the saturday after spring break so people can go have fun without feeling guilty for not going to church :B

i'd say that's about it.

stand firm in the faith,

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